
To register, you must enter a valid e-mail address, as we will send you an e-mail in which you must click on the confirmation link.

Your password must consist of at least 8 characters, it must contain at least one capital letter and one number.

You don’t have to give in your First Name or Last Name if you don’t want that. But if you want to become a verified member write as First or Last Name your name in facebook – more info below.

Do not register if you hold extreme views or are intolerant!
There is no place here for admiration of deranged personalities like Trump, Putin or Hitler, or for spreading conspiracy theories like the claim that the world is a disk. That is where we are intolerant!

We believe in an open and tolerant culture of discussion, where diversity is valued and different opinions are respected. Extremist views and discriminatory behavior are contrary to the spirit of this community and will not be tolerated.


Welcome to the Visionaries Club 😉
Since you want to register, it looks like you can imagine that the vision described on the website comes true. 🙂
Once registered you can write comments and vote.
To write own articles you have to become a verified member.

Becoming a verified member
is easy – just write as Name your name in facebook or contact us after registering with a short message: Tell us your user name here and how you call yourself on Facebook or Instagram or … . We just want to see a social account with some history, to be sure that this is a real person. We will contact you there and ask for your user name in If it fits – that’s it! Or we are friends in Facebook or have common friends, then you are verified inmediately. If you don’t have a social media account, we can do it another way, contact us.

This procedure is necessary to exclude spammers, bots, trolls, etc.

Once the account has been activated, verified members can write posts as author and upload photos and videos.
Learn more about user rols >>

Write in English please! Thanks to the Internet, it is possible to find like-minded people worldwide. Our website allows automatic translations from English into 100 languages, so anyone can communicate with anyone. Even if someone doesn’t speak English, they can use a translation program (best is to translate their post into English and share it here so that it can be read in 100 languages.

Members can rate each other’s contributions with points on a scale of 1 to 5. The average of these ratings determines the overall rating for the contribution. Higher-rated posts result in more points, which leeds to a greater share on like described in the swarm coin post. There is currently no guarantee that your work will be rewarded. But if the swarm takes off, it will be worth it.