The idea: The swarm manages its finances itself, openly and comprehensibly for all members in transparent accounts.
Exchange of experiences
The members’ capital should work for the swarm. I, Heiko, have over 30 years of experience in the financial markets. I bought my first shares when the Berlin Wall fell. Since then, I have observed the stock markets as a hobby and occasionally traded actively. In 2008 I discovered the Metatrader trading platform and realized that as a user you could write your own trading programs. So I taught myself this self-taught, like programming HTML and PHP before. From 2011 I worked as a seller of trading software for financial markets, initially through my own website. When the inventors of Metatrader opened a marketplace for such programs in 2013, I started selling there.
In a closed group on the Swarmi website, I would like to share my trading ideas, experiences and source codes with other traders and advance the Swarmi project. I don’t claim to be the best trader or trading software programmer; there are many who are better than me. If such people join the flock, incredible things could be achieved. Here too, I just want to get the ball rolling and gradually hand over the leadership in this area to others.
I would like to disclose the source code of my automated trading systems, explain the trading idea and work together on improved solutions. In addition, automated trading systems could be provided with collective monitoring. Various working groups could monitor trading on our systems 24 hours a day, Monday to Friday. Together, many eyes see more than two.
The trading ideas and strategies of many systems are not rocket science. In most cases it is about simple, logical relationships that can be recognized in a price chart with a little practice. Anyone who can play a complicated strategy game well can also recognize trading opportunities in a price chart.
An example. The chart below shows the exchange rate of the Australian dollar against the euro when Russia began its invasion of Ukraine. On Thursday, February 24, 2022, Putin’s troops invaded the neighboring country. The euro had already fallen significantly against the Australian dollar in the previous days. Let’s assume that the idea of capitalizing on the euro’s downward trend had only come to mind at the weekend. So on Monday, February 28th. 2022 EURAUD sold.

All week the euro fell like a stone against the Australian dollar. But on Monday the price rose again and the deal was terminated and the position was closed. The difference of 4400 points is a huge number in forex trading. Even if one had acted cautiously, the profit would have been 10 times the risked capital. In a week! A professional trader who had recognized his opportunity here in time could have even made 50-fold from his stake.
Here it wasn’t necessary to know much about economics and foreign exchange. Many people might have come up with the answer to the following question: Where does capital go if war breaks out in Europe? – To the country that is furthest away from Europe and has the least to do with the war!
Such huge opportunities are of course rare. But smaller opportunities that can be recognized through mere reflection often exist.
When working groups specifically look for such opportunities, when the large number of swarm members Tips & If you post tips about where something might be available, the returns from swarm trading could far outpace all other investments.
Sharpening your eye for good profit opportunities can be learned in work groups without having to study economics. Often it is more intuition than knowledge that brings the best profit.
It is often said on the stock market that the crowd is usually wrong.
To find out whether this is actually true, we can conduct surveys in the swarm. If this is indeed the case, the survey results may be useful as a contrarian indicator. And perhaps one or the other stands out because of their high accuracy. Sometimes there are people with the so-called “3. Eye”.